
The mission of NCCW is carried out through the work of three commissions, each under the direction of a national commission chair and is often mirrored at archdiocesan/diocesan, regional, and local parish levels.

(Members can access a multiplicity of resources by signing into their member page.  Please click here)



The Spirituality Commission reinforces faith and supports service to the Church and to the world through discipleship and spiritual growth; and encourages legislative advocacy at the local, state, and national levels, guided by Catholic social teaching.

Chair: Deb Keller

Cathy Carson, Bernadette Patrick, Candace McGrath, Mary Ann Ruether, Carol Monaco, Rozena McVey, Heather Johnson(PD), Amelia Sweeney (PD), Angie Milatzo (PD), Carol Shukle (PD)




The Leadership Commission provides organization development, opportunities for training, as well as public relations resources, and publications to strengthen leadership. The 2023-25 focus is on membership.

Chair: Laurie Ulseth

Rosi Schuhmacher Reeves, Rebecca “Becky” Harper, Alma Meyer, Donna Curry, Alycia Laureti (PD), Jane Schiszik (PD), Connie Sampers (PD), Brenda Dolan (PD), Megan Hamberger (PD)




The Service Commission engages the members of NCCW, and all people, in working to address the needs and concerns of their individual communities; and supports and enhances family life within the Church and society.


Chair: Geri Kogut

Nympha White, Joan Billingham (PD), Rhonda Kollman, Rozana McVey, Melissa Young-Spillers (PD), Kari Stockwell (PD), Ann Minnicus (PD),