Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words.  Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.

Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.

Mattoon Deanery CCCW- Springfield, IL

August 7, 2023

The pregnancy centers of our deanery were the recipients for this year’s service project.  The ladies from eleven counties and thirty-five parishes raised $2,100.00.  We presented a ceremonial check to Sue Sharon of Choices on August 3, 2023, at St. Mary’s Church in Paris, IL.  We divided this sum of money to Choices, Family Life Center in Effingham, IL and LightHouse in Vandalia, IL.  Each facility received a check for $700.00.  We concluded our meeting with our famous “White Elephant” auction which raised $1,445.00 for the Seminary Fund.

Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women- Meriden, CT

July 10, 2023

On Friday, July 7th, the Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women held a bake sale at the Knights of Columbus Fried Dough and Fireworks event. This is the second year we have baked for this event, which was very well attended.  In the picture, standing L-R is Wilma Ramos, Olga Brandl, Susanne Sagaitis, and seated is Pat Stasiewki.

Joliet DCCW- Joliet, IL

June 15, 2023

A Mass honoring the recipients of the Bishop Blanchette Scholarship and the Father John M. Sebhar Servant Leadership Award was geld June 1st at the Blanchette Catholic Center in Crest Hill, IL. Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. Ronald Hicks, Rev. James Antiporek, Rev John M Sebhar, and Rev John Peeters. The BBSF was established by the Joliet Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in 1982 in honor of Bishop Romeo Blanchette. The Father John M Sebhar Servant Leadership Award was established in 2016 by the JDCCW as a tribute of gratitude to Fr Sebhar.

Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women- Meriden, CT

June 13, 2023

Members of the Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women were proud to participate in Corpus Christi on June 11th carrying the flag of Our Lady of Good Council.  We walked from Holy Trinity Church to St Faustina Parish, SS Peter & Paul Church, both in Wallingford.  Pictured are L-R, Olga Brandl, Pat Stasiewski and Sheila Maietta.

St Mary’s Christian Women

June 1, 2023

St. Mary’s Visitation Parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee held their annual Salad Supper. Paper purse bags on the tables netted $725 in donations for the NCCW Purse Club. 146 women ages 20 – 95 attended and there were over 100 salads to choose from! Lydia LoCoco from the archdiocese spoke on the women friends in your life.

St Jude- Mansfield, TX

May 30, 2023

Our incoming president, Paulette Ciesynski, proposed we celebrate Pentecost in a different way this year. In thanksgiving for all of the new 400+ members who joined our parish this past year, she urged the affiliate to shower the altar with a red flower for each new parishioner. We think the outcome was quite beautiful.

St. Charles Borromeo CCW- Coldwater, MI

May 26, 2023

The ladies of  St. Charles Borromeo went above and beyond this Memorial Day for the veterans in their community. A remembrance book was signed, stars signed, and a white tree with lights honored the Veterans who had died through crosses and the Veterans who were not able to be there in person were included by stars signed by the Veterans at the event. A table setting was decorated with poppy petals for the Veterans, a symbol of remembrance and hope for the future. Remembering our Veterans on this Memorial Day.


May 22, 2023

In April the Council of Catholic Women of VA/TN based in Bristol, VA joined together for an Easter reflection, fellowship, and outreach. Melanie Coddington, retired Richmond VA diocesan Regional Minister for Faith Formation gave a wonderful reflection on “Sharing our Bread”. Members prepared a Seder Meal along with a booklet explaining the historical aspects of the Seder Meal. In addition, members had a cookbook exchange and donated cookbooks to the local library.  In commitment to our monthly outreach, CCW gave a $250 donation to the St. Anne Parish Bereavement fund. Picture from Kathy Broeils.

Savannah DCCW

May 8, 2023

At the 84th Savannah Diocesan Council of Catholic Women convention held in Savannah, GA from April 28-30,  Rev. David A. Koetter, Diocesan Spiritual Advisor, was given the NCCW 100 Year History Book in appreciation of the more than 10 years he has served as Spiritual Advisor for SDCCW.  Fr. Koetter is Pastor at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Savannah which was the host church for the convention.  At the Saturday evening Mass, Bishop Stephen D. Parkes, Bishop of Savannah, acknowledged Fr. Koetter’s many years of service to CCW with the words “Blessed are you among women, Fr. Koetter”.