Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words.  Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.

Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.

The Chicago Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (Chicago, IL)

February 6, 2024

Chicago Archdiocese CCW Vicariate I Golden Rose Award recipients presented by Bishop Jeffrey Grob.

Saint John the Baptist & Saint Mary of the Lake CCW (Waunakee, WI)

January 19, 2024

Members of the local CCW hosted our first “Advent by Candlelight” on the evening of Saturday, December 9th, 2023 in order to prepare our hearts and minds for the Feast of the Incarnation, as well as for Christ’s Second Coming.  CCW hostesses designed beautifully set tables and luscious desserts to create an elegant atmosphere for our faith filled guests to enjoy.  This meaningful gathering included time for learning, reflection, sharing and singing with a focus on Four Holy Habits – frequent confession, reclaiming Sundays, regular mortification, and daily prayer.

Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN)

January 12, 2024

On January 8, Our Lady of Fatima Council of Catholic Women in Alcoa, TN began a Heart Healthy New Year with guest speaker, Cheryl Smith from CPR Choice. She taught us hands only CPR with an AED, offered heart healthy tips and recipes.

St. Joseph CCW (Grand Rapids, MN)

January 8, 2024

St. Joseph’s CCW in Grand Rapids, Minnesota led their parish collection of items for the Second Harvest Food Bank. Parishioners were asked to bring one specific item each Sunday during Advent. Requested items included cereal, PB&J, canned meat, and personal care/paper products. The parishioners responded generously, and over the 4 weeks of Advent, CCW donated more than 500 items to the Food Bank. Buying one box of cereal, one jar of jelly, bottle of shampoo, or a can of tuna was easy and doable for everyone. It started a wave of charity and the giving spirit. God bless everyone who participated.

Christ the King (Jacksonville, FL)

January 8, 2024

Christ the King Council of Catholic Women in Jacksonville, Florida held their annual Bake Sale and Raffle on December 17, 2023.  Lots of goodies were donated and purchased by members of the congregation, including homemade ornaments.  Over $1,800 was raised to donate to charity.

Kansas City/St. Joseph (Kansas City, MO)

January 8, 2024

Our Kansas City/St. Joseph Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has been on hiatus since the Covid pandemic began. However, we have good news!  We are happy to announce our Council is beginning an exciting new journey with revised bylaws, a new vision, a new mission statement, and a full slate of enthusiastic officers. We realize we have a lot of work ahead of us as we bring our council back on its feet and so we ask for your prayers of support for success in meeting our upcoming challenges and goals.

St. Mary Magdalen (Altamonte Springs, FL)

January 3, 2024

The St. Mary Magdalen Council of Catholic Women hosted their Annual Communion Mass and Breakfast on September 17, 2023.  They had more than 100 ladies attend and their own Knights of Columbus prepare and serve breakfast. At the breakfast, they hosted a shower for Life Choices Medical Clinic to benefit the mothers who choose to keep their babies instead of having an abortion. Some diocesan representatives spoke about the ministry of the Culture of Life Office and some representatives from Life Choices Medical Clinic spoke about the life-saving ministry of the clinic. This annual event serves as their membership drive to gain new members to the Council of Catholic Women.

Our Lady of Fatima (Alcoa, TN)

December 21, 2023

On December 4, 2023, The Council of Catholic Women at Our Lady of Fatima, Alcoa, TN, hosted an Advent by Candlelight service for all members of the parish. It began with a musical prelude, the reading of the 4 Sunday Gospels of Advent, a reflection of each Gospel by Fr. Pete Iorio (spiritual advisor) and concluded with The Benediction. The evening was set in a peaceful candlelight setting.

Our Lady of Fatima (Alcoa, TN)

December 15, 2023

The Council of Catholic Women at Our Lady of Fatima in Alcoa, TN, held a Baby Shower for our Blessed Mother Mary on December 12, 2023. Parishioners generously donated a truck full of diapers and wipes for the local Pregnancy Resource Center. A luncheon was held after attending mass for Our Lady of Guadelupe. Donations were delivered after the luncheon.