Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words. Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.
Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.
St. John the Baptist CCW (Winfield, IL)
The Rosary with Adoration was prayed at St. John the Baptist parish on January 27, 2024. Following our time in the chapel, donuts and coffee were enjoyed and attendees visited with our pastor, Rev. Christopher Lankford, KHS. Fr. Chris offered this idea and we appreciated praying and reflecting together as well as visiting and sharing ideas. About 35 women and men prayed and socialized afterwards. We used the Pray the Rosary with NCCW as a guideline with the Joyful Mysteries – A New Beginning prayed at the beginning of each decade.
St. Jude’s CCW (New Lenox, Illinois)
The St. Jude’s CCW in New Lenox, Illinois painted rocks at the March meeting.
The Council of Catholic Women of Our Lady of Fatima (Alcoa, TN)
The Council of Catholic Women of Our Lady of Fatima in Alcoa, TN welcomed Mother Gabrielle Marie and the Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will to their General Meeting on March 11, 2024. For our Lenten reflection, they shared their spiritual journey and what it means to live in the Divine Will.
Savannah Deanery CCW (Savannah, GA)
On Saturday, March 9, the Savannah Deanery CCW enjoyed lunch hosted by St. Frances Cabrini CCW. The program was presented by LaToya Scott from Tharros Place located in Pooler, GA. Its mission is to cultivate a culture of courage for adolescent survivors of human trafficking through compassionate and safe residential care, empowered and respected staff, and collaborative community outreach. Ms. Scott said their goal is to house 12 young women who have been abused. In addition to learning about Tharros Place, attendees also learned about a program entitled “Walking Through Grief” which is being sponsored by St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church on Wilmington Island – located east of Savannah.
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (Falls City, NE)
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW) held its annual Winter Symposium February 16 and 17, 2024 at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat Center in Waverly, Nebraska. This year’s event theme was “Magnify Our Lord…With Beauty and Truth”.
Grant County Vicariate (Madison, WI Diocese)
In January, Jane Bernhardt celebrated her 100th birthday. In addition to being an active member of her parish CCW at St. Charles Borromeo in Cassville, Wisconsin, she has served as a past Grant Vicariate CCW President from 1972-1974 and a past Madison Diocesan CCW President from 1991-1992. She attended the Grant Vicariate meeting in May of 2022 and, at 98, was the oldest member in attendance. Jane spends a lot of time with family and friends and is not able to attend all of our meetings, but studies all of our reports at each meeting she attends.
Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women (Macon, GA)
The Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women Macon, GA hosted Stations and Soup. Members of our affiliate led The Way of the Cross from The Eyes of Mary Stations of the Cross for our parish. After the Stations, we provided a dinner of 10 different kinds of soups and bread.
Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women (Macon, GA)
Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women in Macon, GA contributed $500 to the Sisters of Mercy Memorial Marker Restoration Project. The Sisters of Mercy started the first school in Bibb County, Georgia. They also started Mount de Sales Academy that currently serves students grades 6 to 12. 58 Sisters of Mercy are buried in Riverside Cemetery. The money that the CCW donated was used by Jackson Springs Garden Club and 10th grade students from Mount de Sales to clean the markers and place a cement rose on each stone.
Our Lady of Fatima Council of Catholic Women (Alcoa, TN)
Our Lady of Fatima Council of Catholic Women in Alcoa, TN celebrated Diversity and Love at our General Meeting on February 12, 2024. Several women from our parish with different cultural backgrounds shared their story and their faith. From left to right we had women from Haiti, Sudan, Mexico, Philippines and Algeria talk about their lives and their journeys to the U.S. Along with establishing new friendships in Christ, we celebrated St. Valentine’s Day.