Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words.  Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.

Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.

Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN)

December 18, 2024

Our Lady of Fatima CCW in Alcoa, TN held a diapers and wipes drive over the course of two weekends to help support their local Pregnancy Resource center. On December 10, a “Baby Shower for Mary” luncheon was held at The Olive Garden and the diapers and wipes were then delivered by CCW members to the Center.

Greater Meriden CCW (Meriden, CT)

December 13, 2024

For the fourth consecutive year, The Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women has prepared and distributed over three hundred bags for distribution to Catholic residents in nursing homes. These bags containing small items like socks, scarves, rosaries and toiletries, bring joy and happiness to many who often feel alone and sad at this time of year. We want this tradition that we have started, to continue for years to come so that we can carry on with this mission of love.

St. Edward CCW (Minneota, MN)

December 11, 2024

St. Edward CCW of Minneota, MN recently shared a Sunday afternoon with the residents of our local assisted living and the apartments at the same location.  We began by decorating their rooms for Christmas if they were interested.  We provided the decorations with donations from our parishioners.  We followed decorating with homemade cookies and coffee.  To end our afternoon we played BINGO with the residents complete with prizes.  The smiles of both the residents served and those who did the serving certainly proved that this was a wonderful afternoon for all involved and helped everyone enjoy some Christmas spirit!

Savannah Deanery (Savannah, GA)

December 9, 2024

The Savannah Deanery enjoyed a luncheon hosted by Blessed Sacrament CCW on Saturday, December 7.  The featured speaker was Silvana who spoke about her calling to be a Sisters of Mercy Candidate.  It was a very touching story and we pray that she continues on her journey.  After Silvana spoke, everyone enjoyed Karaoke – including Pastor David Koetter who led the group in one of the songs. Parishioner Tricia Starling is pictured next to Fr. Koetter. 

Greater Meriden CCW (Meriden, CT)

December 4, 2024

The Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women sponsored our 84th Creche Dedication on December 1, 2024.  Deacon George Frederick blessed the Creche with The Knights of Columbus in attendance.  Following a short service with singing and prayer and the blessing of the Creche, refreshments made by GMCCW members, were enjoyed by all.

Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN)

December 3, 2024

The Council of Catholic Women of Our Lady of Fatima in Alcoa, TN held their Advent by Candlelight on December 2, 2024 at 6:30pm. The evening began with 30 minutes of meditative music by OLOF’s musicians, the four Sunday Gospels of Advent read by CCW’s members, reflection by Rev. Pete Iorio, assisted by OLOF CCW’s candidate for the Golden Rose Award and ending with the Benediction. It was a beautiful evening to unite all parishioners together to prepare for Advent.

Milwaukee ACCW (Milwaukee, WI)

November 19, 2024

Margaret (Peggy) Hamill received the St. Paul VI Award for Leadership in Peace and Justice at the 2024 Vatican II Awards Ceremony in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on September 24, 2024.  Peggy has worked with Pro Life Wisconsin for over 30 years, serving in a variety of capacities, from sidewalk counselor to Director of the organization. She also serves on the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women as the Pro-Life Commission Chair. Members of MACCW, Diane Oakland, Jean Kelly, Peggy Hamill, Fr. Brad Krawczyk, Spiritual Director and Sandy Huhn  (L-R) joined the award celebration along with Barb Ludka (missing from photo).

Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN)

November 4, 2024

On October 14, 2024, the Nurse Manager, Sarah Grimes, from the St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic was the guest speaker at Our Lady of Fatima’s General Meeting in Alcoa, TN.  The Clinic gives medical assistance to those who have no insurance. One of their recent trips consisted of giving aid to the victims from hurricane Helene in East TN. Since October was Domestic Abuse Awareness Month, Sarah also shared some of the types of situations they encounter with domestic abuse.

Southwest Area CCW, Winona-Rochester Diocese (Rochester, MN)

October 29, 2024

The Southwest Area Council of Catholic Women, in the Minnesota Diocese of Winona-Rochester, again participated in the Box of Joy collection by filling 200 boxes!  Box of Joy, sponsored by Cross Catholic Outreach, are Christmas gifts sent to children in developing countries like Haiti, Malawi and the Dominican Republic. The boxes are filled with toys, clothing, school supplies, a rosary and The Story of Jesus.  These gifts represent Christ’s love and compassion to a child who may have never before received a Christmas gift.