Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words. Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.
Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.
Our Lady of Fatima CCW Alcoa, TN
The CCW affiliate at Our Lady of Fatima in Alcoa, TN held a bake sale to benefit the annual scholarship awarded each year to 2 high school seniors. The ladies of the parish were very supportive with providing baked goods and parishioners were extremely generous with purchasing and giving. Submitted 5/3/22 by Mary Cooper
St. Mary’s Christian Women Elm Grove, WI
The St. Mary’s Christian Women in Elm Grove Wisconsin held their annual Salad Supper to a sell out crowd. Members from 25-96 were present. An inspiring speaker and delicious salads were enjoyed by all. Paper purses were on each table for donations to the NCCW Purse Club. Over $1,000 in donations were sent to NCCW. Submitted 4/27/2022 by Jean Kelly
Lincoln DCCW Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW) living Past Presidents met during the LDCCW 63rd Biennial Convention held on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Pictured left to right: back row: Spiritual Advisors, Father Thomas McGuire, Father Thomas Lux, Janice Goracke, Kay Wessel and Agnes Anderson. Front row: Ann Jansky, Rose Kalvoda, Kathy Broz, Dorothy Moravec, and Susan Ladenburger. Living Past Presidents not pictured: Jeanette Stengel, JoAnn Messing, Lorelei Hart, Kris Sarver and Terri Sullivan. Submitted 4/25/22 by Kay Wessel
Lincoln DCCW Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW) installed new Executive Officers for the 2022-2024 term at the 63rd Biennial Convention held in Holdrege Nebraska on April 23, 2022. Pictured with the new Officers are the Most Reverend Bishop James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, and LDCCW Spiritual Advisors Father Thomas Lux and Father Thomas McGuire. Submitted 4/25/22 by Kay Wessel
Holy Spirit CCW Macon, GA
The CCW from Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Macon, Georgia hosted a Living Rosary on Sunday April 3, 2022 after Mass. It was a beautiful Sunday morning as the parish gathered to offer a Living Rosary for peace. Submitted 4/12/22
New Britain CCW New Britain, CT
The New Britain Council of Catholic Women sponsored a tea to benefit the only deaf apostolate in our deanery. This tea was able to fund travel and educational expenses to further her skills in servicing the deaf parishioners. In a dual presentation, the New Britain Council of Catholic Women presented a check for $1,000 to Marissa Rivera (deaf apostolate for Divine Providence) in support of her continuing education as a deaf apostolate. The check was a direct result of a fundraising “TEA” sponsored by the NBCCW. In kind, Marissa presented Divine Providence a painting in thanks for their support. Submitted 4/11/22
Our Lady of the Cove PCCW Kimberling City, MO
On Friday, March 25, Our Lady of the Cove PCCW, Kimberling City, MO hosted Donna Cori who presented her Stations of the Cross with music she composed and also video. What a powerful walk to Calvary with Jesus Christ! Donna presented a Lenten Retreat for fifty-one PCCW ladies on Saturday. She sang the rosary, sang the Divine Mercy Chaplet and gave a wonderful talk on the Seven Sorrows of Mary! Her beautiful voice truly enhanced our Catholic Faith. Submitted 4/4/22 by Rita Lueckenotte
St. Boniface CCW Springfield, GA
St. Boniface CCW (Springfield, GA) hosted the Savannah Deanery Spring Meeting on Saturday, March 12. Alizon McLaughlin (Savannah Deanery President) presented Fr. Tom Peyton with the NCCW 100 Years book, signed by the 50 members from the Deanery affiliates in attendance. Fr. Peyton has been supportive of the CCW for over 40 years. Thank you Fr. Peyton! Submitted 3/31/22 by Yvette Carr
CRCCW Midwest City, OK
Our March meeting/retreat on “The Eucharist, Heaven and Earth United “was held at St. Philip Neri Church in Midwest City, OK. We presented awards to the winners of our Jr- High School Essay contest. Pictured (lt. to rt.) 3rd place, Jennifer Dugger; Kathy Shannon, Spirituality Chair; second place, Katherine Menz,; and Novalyn Greff, CRCCW President. Our first-place winner, Milly Greenhaw was unable to join us. Their essay question was on defending the belief that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Christ. We also collected items for the DragonFly home, an organization working with victims of Human Trafficking. Submitted 3/30/22 by Mary Ann Schmitt