Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words.  Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.

Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.

Grand Rapids DCCW (Grand Rapids, MI)

February 20, 2025

The Grand Rapids DCCW held its inaugural Golden Rose Award ceremony on Sunday, February 16th. We were hoping for 8 applicants but we actually received 16! We were very delighted that 12 young ladies were able to attend the event.  With a monetary donation from a local foundation, we were able to give the girls each a $125 voucher to use to attend our 2025 Province Convention, which will take place in Grand Rapids this April: REJOICING IN GLORIOUS HOPE. Participants also received a Golden Rose, Our Lady of Good Counsel Pin, a certificate, and a check for $100 from their home parish. We were thrilled with event and are hoping much fruit will come of it.

St. Vincent CCW (Margate, FL)

February 20, 2025

The St. Vincent CCW of Margate, Florida recently collected a significant donation of underwear for the Broward Partnership Homeless Shelter in Pompano Beach Florida.

St. Paul the Apostle Women’s Guild (Richardson, TX)

February 19, 2025

Every February, the Women’s Guild of Saint Paul the Apostle hosts a fundraiser for the White Rose Women’s Center, featuring a silent auction and a baby supply drive. This year we raised $1,125 and filled an SUV with essential baby items. The Center’s Director shared updates and moving testimonials that brought many to tears. Based in Dallas, White Rose supports women facing unplanned pregnancies offering them resources and guidance, and empowering them to choose life for their babies.

St. Teresa Kolkata PCCW (West Salem, WI)

February 19, 2025

St. Teresa Kolkata PCCW of West Salem, Wisconsin, along with religious education students and parents from the parish, joined together to make and distribute over 700 Valentines to homebound parishioners, and five nursing homes. This outreach has been an ongoing program for the past 10 years. One family contributed over 300 Valentines. St. Teresa’s  believes in following St. Valentines’ example of giving hearts to people to remind them of God’s love for them and Mother Teresa’s motto of doing small things with great love.

Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN)

February 19, 2025

On February 16, Our Lady of Fatima’s Council of Catholic Women in Alcoa, TN recognized two ladies with a Golden Rose Award. Each exemplified the tenets of CCW with spirituality, leadership and service in their parish, diocese and community. This was our very first time to participate in this award and we were very pleased to honor some of our youth active in the parish and community.

OKC ACCW South Region (Marlow, OK)

February 19, 2025

The Oklahoma City ACCW South Region in Marlow, Oklahoma is currently conducting a “baby-bottle” campaign to help the pregnancy center in their town. No matter what size your Affiliate is, you can do great things when you work together!

Chicago ACCW Vicariate I (Chicago, IL)

February 11, 2025

The Chicago Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women, Vicariate I, celebrated its 10th Anniversary of the Golden Rose Awards on February 1, 2025.  Interim Vicar Jeremiah Boland congratulated the girls who represented 25 parishes and 3 high schools (St. Viator, Carmel, and Woodlands Academy), with a  certificate, silk rose and a blessed rosary bracelet.  Cadets from District #214 Wheeling High School ROTC program escorted the girls to receive their certificate. Vicariate I appreciates the parishes’ recognition of the Golden Rose concept encouraging the girls faith in action with service to their parish.

Diocese of Savannah (Savannah, GA)

February 11, 2025

Marlene Grover, Director of the Province of Atlanta; Carol Brooks, parishioner of St, Anne’s; Alizon Mclaughlin, President of the Diocese of Savannah; and Melissa Wacter, President-Elect of the Diocese of Savannah, recorded a podcast about CCW with Braelyn Snow of the Diocese of Savannah Communications Department. It’s Catholic Y’all is the official podcast of the Diocese of Savannah. The video version:

Greater Meriden CCW (Meriden, CT)

February 11, 2025

A contingent of members from the Greater Meriden Council of Catholic Women recently attended a presentation of the Patriotic Rosary by the Knights of Columbus, Council #5 at Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish, Holy Angels Campus.  The rosary was recited for Consecration of our Nation, for the Presidency of the United States of America, for the Supreme Court of the U.S.A, for each State, for the Govenors, and for all the Counties and Municipal  Offices of the U.S.A.  Patriotic music was interspersed with the readings and made a truly moving experience.