Mattoon Deanery Council of Catholic Women, Mattoon, IL
The MDCCW Mission Project was The St. Mary’s House in Mattoon, IL. This is a transitional place for women and children. The house will host three families at a time while they work on regaining their independence. We presented a ceremonial check to Father John Titus at our August 4, 2022 deanery meeting at St. Mary’s Annunciation in Shumway, IL. We raised $3,635.00 in four months to purchase the kitchen appliance package consisting of a refrigerator, stove and microwave! Our offertory at Holy Mass collected $526.00 for a grand total of $4,151.00. We concluded the meeting with a “White Elephant” auction which raised $1,257.00 for the Seminary Fund.
Submitted by MDCCW President Jody Secondino-Crandell, 8/8/22