The National Council of Catholic Women continues decades-long tradition of participating in the annual March for Life as it convenes January Board of Directors Meeting

For Immediate Release

Washington, D.C. January 2020 – The National Council of Catholic Women continues decades-long tradition of participating in the annual March for Life as it convenes January Board of Directors Meeting

Active in the pro-life movement even prior to the infamous Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973, the National Council of Catholic Women has always been a voice for the sanctity and dignity of every human person at every stage of life.

The January NCCW Board of Directors meeting took place in Washington D.C., January 25-26 allowing board members to participate in the historic 47th annual March for Life.

At the Board meeting, board members shared their vision for the future–presenting new resources and initiatives to engage Catholic women of all ages, encouraging them to deepen their spirituality, grow in leadership and meet the needs of today’s society through service. The Spirituality Commission produced and distributed a beautiful Centennial Prayer Card and unveiled an Hour of Prayer that will be announced soon on the NCCW website. The Leadership Commission is reaching out to first-time attendees of Convention and is producing a ground-breaking mentoring program. The Service Commission presented a “Friends with Pens” program in partnership with the Order of Malta, providing an opportunity for members to engage in prison ministry. Tessie O’Dea from Cross Catholic Outreach presented information on a Mission/Vision Trip to Guatemala for members of NCCW.

“The NCCW board expressed its fervent commitment to advocating for the protection of every person from conception to natural death, and to serving the Church through our unique mission to support, empower, and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service,” said Jean Kelly, NCCW President.

The National Council of Catholic Women was founded by the US Catholic bishops in 1920. For more information, visit the website To schedule an interview with Jean Kelly, NCCW President, please contact Laraine Bennett at (703) 224-0990 or email

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