Submission for the Affiliate Happenings page can include a maximum of one photograph (not required) and a paragraph not to exceed 100 words. Please email to the NCCW office at All submissions are subject to approval.
Note: This is not an area to submit an announcement of an upcoming program, rather, it is an area for affiliates to show the fabulous things our women have already done around the country.
Savannah DCCW
Brunswick, GA
At the Savannah Diocesan CCW Convention held in Brunswick, GA, Ms. Yoshi Jones (top left), Director of Operations at the House of Hope Refuge of Love, spoke about the young women who are referred by Department of Family and Children Services and Georgia Cares. The goal is to graduate the young women by age 18. They are taught time management and other skills to help the graduates avoid being homeless. The Hope House is not an institution – it is a home for young women. For more information go to Most Reverend Stephen D. Parkes (bottom right), Bishop of Savannah, also accepted a check in the amount of $1,000 for the Msgr. Bourke Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund supports seminarians studying for the priesthood. Pictured next to the bishop is Alizon McLaughlin, President of the Savannah Deanery CCW (and President-Elect of SDCCW) and GiGi Lacanilao, SDCCW Treasurer.
Submitted 5/9/22 by Yvette Carr
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Macon, GA
Holy Spirit CCW hosted a baby shower to benefit The Kolbe Center. The Kolbe Center serves to both assist women in crisis with an unplanned pregnancy in adherence to Catholic teachings, as well as, provide education and expertise on Catholic Pro-Life Activities. Their services are based on Catholic teaching and belief in the sanctity of the human person and the dignity of human life.
Submitted by Melissa Wacter 5/18/22
Stella Maris Parish
Door County, WI
Stella Maris Catholic Parish in Door County, Wisconsin held a Women's Tea to support Faith Formation Students' trip to World Youth Day in Portugal. Twenty-five ladies attended to listen to Lynn Church of Tea Thyme speak on the many varieties and benefits of drinking tea. All had a good time and we plan to make this an annual event.
Submitted 6/2/22 by Pat Gureski
St. Mary's Christian Women
Elm Grove, WI
The St. Mary’s Christian Women in Elm Grove Wisconsin held their annual Salad Supper to a sell out crowd. Members from 25-96 were present. An inspiring speaker and delicious salads were enjoyed by all. Paper purses were on each table for donations to the NCCW Purse Club. Over $1,000 in donations were sent to NCCW.
Submitted 4/27/2022 by Jean Kelly
Our Lady of Fatima CCW
Alcoa, TN
The CCW affiliate at Our Lady of Fatima in Alcoa, TN held a bake sale to benefit the annual scholarship awarded each year to 2 high school seniors. The ladies of the parish were very supportive with providing baked goods and parishioners were extremely generous with purchasing and giving.
Submitted 5/3/22 by Mary Cooper
Detroit Province
Frankenmuth, MI
The Detroit Province held their "Beacons of Light" Convention April 29 - 30, 2022 in Frankenmuth, MI. The Mass collection, well over $1000.00, will be given to Emmaus House, which supports homes for women coming from jail or rehab. We also held a drawing for two hand-blown, decorated eggs. These eggs were hand painted in the Ukraine. Thanks to the generosity of our attendees, $850.00 will go to Catholic Relief Services for the Ukrainian people.
Submitted 5/4/22 by Kathleen Penno
Virtual Affiliate
The NCCW Kindness Rock Facebook Group, initiated by the Virtual Affiliate was created to promote random acts of kindness by creating, hiding, and re-hiding Kindness Rocks.
The fact that a total stranger could brighten your day, with a rock, is pretty powerful.
Paint a rock...Hide a rock...Find a rock. If you find a rock you can keep it or re-hide it for the next person to find. Please post your pictures on the page and have fun! Anyone can join, NCCWrocks.
Lincoln DCCW
Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW) installed new Executive Officers for the 2022-2024 term at the 63rd Biennial Convention held in Holdrege Nebraska on April 23, 2022. Pictured with the new Officers are the Most Reverend Bishop James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, and LDCCW Spiritual Advisors Father Thomas Lux and Father Thomas McGuire.
Submitted 4/25/22 by Kay Wessel
Lincoln DCCW
Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (LDCCW) living Past Presidents met during the LDCCW 63rd Biennial Convention held on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Pictured left to right: back row: Spiritual Advisors, Father Thomas McGuire, Father Thomas Lux, Janice Goracke, Kay Wessel and Agnes Anderson. Front row: Ann Jansky, Rose Kalvoda, Kathy Broz, Dorothy Moravec, and Susan Ladenburger. Living Past Presidents not pictured: Jeanette Stengel, JoAnn Messing, Lorelei Hart, Kris Sarver and Terri Sullivan.
Submitted 4/25/22 by Kay Wessel
Milwaukee ACCW
Milwaukee, WI
The Milwaukee Archdiocesan CCW hosted a Tea for the Moms of the Seminarians on March 22. We made the food and had a mom of a newly ordained priest speak to the moms. It was a wonderful event, and we plan to hold it again next year!
Submitted 3/30/22 by Jean Kelly
New Britain CCW
New Britain, CT
The New Britain Council of Catholic Women sponsored a tea to benefit the only deaf apostolate in our deanery. This tea was able to fund travel and educational expenses to further her skills in servicing the deaf parishioners. In a dual presentation, the New Britain Council of Catholic Women presented a check for $1,000 to Marissa Rivera (deaf apostolate for Divine Providence) in support of her continuing education as a deaf apostolate. The check was a direct result of a fundraising “TEA” sponsored by the NBCCW. In kind, Marissa presented Divine Providence a painting in thanks for their support.
Submitted 4/11/22
Holy Spirit CCW
Macon, GA
The CCW from Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Macon, Georgia hosted a Living Rosary on Sunday April 3, 2022 after Mass. It was a beautiful Sunday morning as the parish gathered to offer a Living Rosary for peace.
Submitted 4/12/22
Midwest City, OK
Our March meeting/retreat on “The Eucharist, Heaven and Earth United “was held at St. Philip Neri Church in Midwest City, OK. We presented awards to the winners of our Jr- High School Essay contest. Pictured (lt. to rt.) 3rd place, Jennifer Dugger; Kathy Shannon, Spirituality Chair; second place, Katherine Menz,; and Novalyn Greff, CRCCW President. Our first-place winner, Milly Greenhaw was unable to join us. Their essay question was on defending the belief that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Christ. We also collected items for the DragonFly home, an organization working with victims of Human Trafficking.
Submitted 3/30/22 by Mary Ann Schmitt
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
St. Boniface CCW (Springfield, GA) hosted the Savannah Deanery Spring Meeting on Saturday, March 12. Alizon McLaughlin (Savannah Deanery President) presented Fr. Tom Peyton with the NCCW 100 Years book, signed by the 50 members from the Deanery affiliates in attendance. Fr. Peyton has been supportive of the CCW for over 40 years. Thank you Fr. Peyton!
Submitted 3/31/22 by Yvette Carr
Our Lady of the Cove PCCW
Kimberling City, MO
On Friday, March 25, Our Lady of the Cove PCCW, Kimberling City, MO hosted Donna Cori who presented her Stations of the Cross with music she composed and also video. What a powerful walk to Calvary with Jesus Christ! Donna presented a Lenten Retreat for fifty-one PCCW ladies on Saturday. She sang the rosary, sang the Divine Mercy Chaplet and gave a wonderful talk on the Seven Sorrows of Mary! Her beautiful voice truly enhanced our Catholic Faith.
Submitted 4/4/22 by Rita Lueckenotte
Nashville DCCW
Nashville, TN
NDCCW affiliates enjoyed a weekend retreat of celebration of the Eucharist, the consecration of Russia & Ukraine at The Cathedral of Incarnation, Fleming Center with The Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding Bishop of Nashville. Our. Retreat speaker Ms.Gale Wheaton O.P. took us on a renewed Pilgrimage Journey through the Scriptures and the Catechism. Her program was married to the Camino de Santiago, The Way of St James. The Guide she introduced us to, getting us through the Didache Bible (Ignatius Version) and our Catechism, made us all want to get down to walking spiritually together. Sharing our faith journey begins with putting first things first. She could be quoted as saying " It is as difficult to get ALL the way through reading the Bible and Catechism as it is to walk the 800k of "The Way" of St. James" and " the journey. It's not meant to be done alone, we are pilgrims on this journey together."
Submitted 3/29/22 by Constance Burwell
St. Raphael CCW
Englewood, FL
The CCW of Saint Raphael Parish in Englewood, Florida may be small but it is mighty. Each month we take on one and often two service projects in align with the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Pictured above are the ladies and Father Bob Murphy with a collection of food for the boxed Easter dinners which will be distributed to local low income families.
Submitted 3/28/22 by Ryan Schwaner
Vicariate I CCW
Mundelein, IL
Most Reverend Jeffrey Grob, Auxilliary Bishop of Vicariate I of the Chicago Archdiocese congratulates the 25 Golden Rose Award recipients of 2022.
Also featured is Rev. Jerry Jacob, pastor of
St. Mary of the Annunciation parish in Mundelein, IL where the mass was held and Rev. Darrio Boscutti, pastor of St. Edna in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Submitted 3/29/22 by Evelyn Getty
St. John Nepomuk Altar Society
Yukon, OK
St. John Nepomuk Altar Society held a successful donation drive to a human trafficking shelter in Yukon, OK.
Submitted 3/18/22 by Becky VanPool
Mattoon Deanery CCW
Mattoon, IL
The MDCCW first meeting was March 1, 2022, at the Immaculate Conception Church in Mattoon, IL. 29 ladies attended & the parish center was decorated in a “Mardi Gras” theme. We raised $500.00 for the Seminary Fund. Next deanery meeting will be August 4, 2022, hosted by the ladies of St. Mary of Annunciation in Shumway, IL.
(Pictured left to right)
Virginia Holley, Spiritual, Celeste Rogers, Leadership, Margaret Thompson, Vice Pres, Shirley Dallmier, Dir at Large, Father John Titus, Jody Secondino-Crandell, Pres, Sandra Cameron, Treasurer, Gail Loveall, Secretary. Not pictured; Susan Vogt, Dir at Large, Rose Finley, Service, and Mary Ann Sullivan, Auditor.
Submitted by: Jody Secondino-Crandell, 3/21/22
Knoxville DCCW
Knoxville, TN
Knoxville DCCW held a food packing event for Cross Catholic on March 26th, 2022. They have been raising funds for this project since last October and had 150 volunteers who came to package soy, beans, vegetables, rice and vitamin packets for the hungry children in developing countries. 50,126 meals were prepared and will be shipped on pallets.
Submitted 3/28/22 by Patty Johnson
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
St. Boniface CCW in Springfield, GA (Savannah Diocese) hosted a very successful yard sale on Friday, February 4 and Saturday, February 5.
This is the CCW’s only fundraiser and it’s always amazing the generosity of parishioners who donate and everyone in the community who comes to browse and end up buying some really great deals. It’s so true what they say – “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”. One of member’s grand daugther (Zofia) was a very big help too.
Submitted 2/14/22 by Yvette Carr
St. Mary's Christian Women
Elm Grove, WI
St. Mary's Christian Women in Elm Grove, WI hosted a Valentine's dinner for newlywed couples. The couples enjoyed cocktails, appetizers and a gourmet meal provided by the Christian women. This is the eighth year that the Christian women have hosted this event, which always coincides with the World Day of Marriage.
Submitted 3/1/22 by Jean Kelly
Lincoln DCCW
Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women held an October 2021 Pro-Life Diaper Drive. The DCCW collected over 172,000 diapers!
Submitted 3/17/2022 by Kay Wessel
St. Joseph CCW
Grand Rapids, MN
700 Boxes of Joy contributed to Cross Catholic Outreach
St. Joseph's parish in Grand Rapids, has been filling Boxes of Joy for Cross Catholic Outreach for the last 5 years. Under the guidance and leadership of Council of Catholic Women, the project has grown over the years. In the past couple of years, we have filled an average of 600 boxes, but this year we exceeded our goal and filled 700 boxes! Before the boxes were shipped out, the boxes were given a special blessing by Father Blake Rozier. We pray that the recipients of these boxes are blessed with God's love and peace.
Submitted 1/4/22 by Anita Brandner
Nashville DCCW
Nashville, TN
The Nashville Diocese Council of Catholic Women (NDCCW) met in Nashville, TN at the Catholic Pastoral Center (CPC) for the Fall meeting on November 13, 2021. The meeting was to celebrate the 100+1 anniversary of the founding of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) by the American Bishops in 1920.
Theola Copeland, Province Director for the Province of Louisville spoke about the “Healing Prayer for Racism” and the importance of being a good role model for all women of the Diocese.
Also, the new officers, for the term 2021-2023, were installed. They are: Betty Moshea, President, Constance Smith-Burrell, VP, Susie Kummer, Treasurer and Sharon Humphrey, Recording Secretary.
Submitted 1/12/22 by Betty Moshea
St Luke CCW
Smyrna, TN
The St Luke Altar Society had their installation of officers for 2022 on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at their monthly meeting. Deacon Roger Huber installed the following: President Martha Fraley, Vice President Jenny Banker, Treasurer Laura Note, Recording Secretary Sue Holland, Corresponding Secretary Gene Crumpton.
Submitted 1/17/21 by Constance Burwell
All Souls CCW
Sanford, FL
The CCW and KofC created a beautiful Christmas float for the Sanford "Parade of Lights" on Dec. 11th, which won First Place! The theme of the float was "Keep Christ in Christmas", a message to touch us all. And, all ages took part in the float, to help bring the true spirit of Christmas to downtown Sanford! Congratulations on winning "First Place" in the Sanford Parade of Lights!
Submitted 12/20/21 by Ginny Hagan
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
At its meeting on November 30, St. Boniface Council of Catholic Women (Springfield, GA) had a very interesting and inspiring program. Lynda Rozell (standing in the middle of the group with a red sweater on ), an evangelist and author of “Tin Can Pilgrim” spoke about her adventures on the road and her encounters with many people she’s met since she started full time “RVing” in the last year. Lynda attended the NCCW Convention in DC and inspired those of us from the Savannah Deanery who met her.
Submitted 12/22/21 by Yvette Carr
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
St. Boniface Council of Catholic Women (Springfield GA) collected over 300 wrapped gifts and gift cards donated by generous parishioners. The Barren Tree is put up every year by early December and parishioners take the tags off the tree. The tags list whether it’s a boy or a girl and what age (between infant – 14 years old). The gifts are returned and placed under the Barren Tree by mid-December. The gifts are then sorted by CCW members and distributed to the organizations such as the Department of Family and Children Services, the Truetlen House for Boys and Family Promise.
Submitted 12/22/21 by Yvette Carr
St. James CCW
Oklahoma City, OK
St. James CCW in Oklahoma City, OK has been busy with service projects recently!
Top Photo: St. James Catholic Church of Archdiocese of Oklahoma City St. Theresa of Calcutta guild collected housewares for Afghan refugees being settled by Catholic Charities.
Bottom Photo: St. James Catholic Church of Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Altar Society collect donations for Pregnancy Center. Women walking with Women.
Submitted 12/8/21 by Becky VanPool
Consejo de Mujeres Catolicas de Raleigh (Council Of Catholic Women Of Raleigh)
Raleigh, NC
The members of the Consejo de Mujeres Catolicas de Raleigh (Council Of Catholic Women Of Raleigh) were consecrated to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary today December 8th, on her feast day. This was done at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Raleigh. For most of us it was the very first time. We were in preparation for 33 days and were so happy to finally take our vows, The occasion was presided by Rev Father Pat. It was all smiles as we gathered around the statue of our Blessed Mother for pictures.
Submitted 12/9/21 by Maribeth Stewart Blogoslawski
North Platte Deanery
North Platte, NE
December 6-7, 2021 the North Platte, NE Deanery of the Grand Island Diocese held an Advent Retreat at Casa de Paz in Newcastle, NE, the founding home of Fr.James Kramper. Attendees gathered over 40 blankets for distribution on the Winnebago Indian Reservation.
Fr. Lou Nollette, Spiritual Advisor of North Platte Deanery, assisted with the retreat. Those attending from St. Nicholas Parish in Valentine were Margaret Lutter, Susan Johnson and Pat Arnold. From St. Mary’s Parish in Mullen were Marylin Ericksen and Karen Happ. Also attending were NCCW Omaha Province Director Theresa Pavlik and DeAnna Fulton-Coles, both from St. Wenceslaus in Verdigre, NE.
Submitted 12/15/21 by Susan Johnson
St. Mark's CCW
Boise, ID
St. Mark’s CCW of Boise, Idaho participated in their first Box of Joy project. They put together 25 boxes. All of the ladies are looking forward to doing this project again next year!
Submitted 11/1/21 by Tracy Janis
St John XXII Parish
West Haven, CT
St John XXIII parish in West Haven, CT participated in the Box of Joy Project this year--great job ladies!
Submitted 11/9/21 by Maribeth Stewart Blogoslawski
Our Lady of Fatima CCW
Aloca, TN
Our Lady of Fatima CCW (Alcoa, TN) held our second Advent by Candlelight. Each of the Sunday Gospels from Advent was read followed by a reflection by Fr. Adam Royal (the Spiritual Advisor for OLOF CCW) and personal meditation/reflection/journaling.
Submitted 11/17/21 by Mary Cooper
Tulsa DCCW
Tulsa, OK
Tulsa Diocesan Council of Catholic Women organized a collection of items for "The
Springs", a domestic violence and human trafficking shelter located in
Submitted 11/1/21 by Becky VanPool
North Platte Deanery
North Platte, NE
Faith Bouquets
During a recent meeting of the North Platte Deanery of the Grand Island Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Province of Omaha, the members joined together to make faith bouquets with fresh flowers. Each member was welcome to make one for themselves and then put one together to give to someone else in their community. Each flower had a special meaning to the person constructing the arrangement which they shared with the recipient of the second bouquet. It was a great time of fellowship for everyone attending. Deanery Moderator Fr. Lou Nollette explained that each good work we do is similar to a small pebble falling in a pond sending out ripples
Submitted 11/1/21 by Susan Johnson
Smoky Mountain Deanery
Knoxville, TN
The Smoky Mountain Deanery CCW in the Knoxville diocese had their fall general meeting on Saturday, October 30 at Holy Ghost Church in Knoxville. The meeting, postponed one year because of the pandemic, was to celebrate the 100 + 1 anniversary of the founding of NCCW by the American Catholic Bishops in 1920. It was hosted by the ladies of Holy Ghost and Immaculate Conception.
The Deanery welcomed Maribeth Stewart Blogoslowski as their guest speaker after a brief information meeting. Maribeth spoke on “Responding to Our Call to Holiness” a presentation she originally made at the WUCWO North America Region Conference.
Submitted 11/1/21 by Michelle Peckham
St Raphael CCW
Raleigh, NC
It was a joyful day at St Raphael, Raleigh NC, as the women of the Council Of Catholic Women Of Raleigh ( Consejo de Mujeres Catolicas de Raleigh) congregated before Mass at the Mary Chapel on the feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to pray the Rosary. They were dressed up in their beautiful T-shirts with the face Our our Lady of Good Counsel, their Patroness. Some of the women also sang in the choir with their beautiful angelic voices. A special blessing was given to them by Fr Bruce with a message of perseverance. The women shared their testimonies and had pizza after Mass at the plaza.
Submitted 10/11/21 by Elizabeth Enoh
North Platte Deanery
North Platte, NE
Fr. Lou Nollette, the North Platte Deanery Spiritual Advisor and top individual participant in the 2021 Walk to Convention presented to deanery members how many miles he walked, bicycled, and prayed the rosary during the Walk to Convention, plus taking pledges and his donation to NCCW. He’s wearing the first place prize—the NCCW sweatshirt.
Submitted 10/18/21 by Susan Johnson
NCCW Service Commission
Columbia, SC
NCCW Service Commission Chair Yvonne Pygatt participates in the virtual Walk against Domestic Violence on Oct 9, 2021, sponsored by the Mayor of Columbia, SC.
Submitted 10/28/21 by Yvonne Pygatt
Harrisburg DCCW
Harrisburg, PA
While the effects of the past year remain, one thing is certain, the Council has remained strong. We have shown that not even a pandemic can keep us from continuing our mission. One of the components in Pope Francis’ Lexicon for Ministry is Periphery- to go forth from our comfort zone. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we can succeed and flourish when we go outside our comfort zone. In this “new normal”, we have seen a new era for Council.
Bishop Ronald Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg has penned a letter proclaiming October as “Council Month” in the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Submitted 9/17/21 by Alycia Laureti
Harrisburg DCCW
Harrisburg, PA
Diocesan CCW adopts NCCW Our Lady of Good Counsel Award
Mary Ellen Good, is the 2021 recipient of the HDCCW Our Lady of Good Counsel Award. Mary Ellen has demonstrated much generosity and support by serving in many capacities of leadership in the Council both on the local level and the district level. She is a member of St. Vincent De Paul Church.
Pictured (l--r): HDCCW President, Alycia Laureti, Mary Ellen Good, & Bishop Ronald Gainer
Submitted 9/17/21 by Alycia Laureti
Peoria DCCW
Magnolia, IL
The Peoria DCCW board met at the Sacre Coure retreat center in Magnolia, Illinois. Immediate Past President Jean Kelly was invited for a question and answer session. Province Director Nympha White was also present.
Submitted 9/27/21 by Jean Kelly
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
They say that one person’s junk is another person’s treasure and that was certainly true this past Friday & Saturday. Bargain hunters were lined up outside the door at St Boniface Catholic Church, Springfield, GA - anxious to get in and browse through all the donations made by our parishioners. The funds raised help several local charities and the needs within the parish. In the past, some of the proceeds paid for US flags which were installed in each of the religious education classrooms. Some proceeds went to help with costly repairs to the church’s air conditioning. It took many hours of hard work by our CCW members to sort, price donations and help the shoppers. There were also several spouses and energetic teens that helped with the yard sale and cleaning up the hall which is used for weekend masses. Many volunteers shared their time, talent and treasures to make the yard sale such a success.
Submitted 6/15/21 by Yvette Carr
Holy Family-St. William Parish Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
Green Bay, WI
Members of the Holy Family-St. William Parish Council of Catholic Women (CCW), along with other guests, gather around a rosary prayer garden outside of Holy Family-St. William Church in Wittenberg May 30 as Fr. Matt Settle, pastor, recites a prayer of dedication. The rosary garden features stones, representing each rosary bead, sponsored by families in memory of loved ones.
To read an article about this event, click HERE.
Amarillo DCCW
Amarillo, TX
(Left to right) Members Monica Musick, Julie Neusch, Jeannie Friddell, Barbara Kline and Teresa Sarzynski of the "Walk to Convention 2020ne" Amarillo crew pose for a photo. Great job ladies!
Oklahoma City ACCW
Oklahoma City, OK
Central Region affiliates from around the Oklahoma City metro area participated in a collection drive to help the DragonFly Home, an organization that aides victims of Human Trafficking here in Oklahoma City. Even though our groups have not met due to Covid restrictions, we were still able to collect over $1500 worth of goods, gift cards and checks. Thanks to everyone for their help!
Submitted 4/21/2021 by Mary Ann Schmitt
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
At its meeting on Wednesday, May 5, several members of St. Boniface Catholic Church, Springfield, GA shared pictures and memories of their mothers. Marguerite Gilstrap is holding a picture of her mother taken around 1947 when her mother was 15 years old. Marguerite is the Secretary of St Boniface CCW. She and her husband sing in the choir and are very involved in the parish community. Many who shared memories stated that they are the women they are today due to the positive influence of their mothers.
Submitted 5/10/21 by Yvette Carr
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
This is a special mother-daughter team who are both active at St Boniface Catholic Church, Springfield, GA. Melissa Almeida stepped up to serve as Treasurer after her first meeting in 2020. Her mother, Connie Cordeiro, is also very active at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Springfield, GA. They moved to Georgia from Rhode Island less than 2 years ago and they had never heard of CCW before they started attending St. Boniface.
Submitted 5/10/21 by Yvette Carr
All Saints CCW
Berlin, WI
At their March meeting All Saints CCW, Berlin, WI celebrated NCCW's 101st Birthday. They made a blue sign in front with 101 on it and members are holding cookies with 101 on them.
Submitted 3/4/21 by Carol Brennan
St. Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
At its meeting on Wednesday, March 3, St Boniface CCW in Springfield, GA (Savannah Deanery) celebrated NCCW’s 101st birthday. Those in attendance each took home a cupcake. Thank you to Melissa Almeida (current treasurer) for baking and decorating the cupcakes. Another member (Jane Branham) made some delicious cookies too! We are blessed to have women in our parish who are generous with their time, talent and treasures. Happy Birthday NCCW!!!
Submitted 3/8/21 by Yvette Carr
St. Sebastian CCW
Sebastian, FL
St. Sebastian CCW in Sebastian, FL celebrated NCCW's 101'st birthday with cupcakes and a tower demonstrating the levels of council.
Submitted 3/24/21 by Julie Ann Farrell
St. Michael's CCW
Tybee Island, GA
Picture of women of the St. Michael's Council of Catholic Women, Tybee Island , Georgia preparing "care boxes" for their 12 seminarians. The parishioners donated to the project. They are going to celebrate their pastor's birthday with a breakfast after Mass also. They are socially distancing while serving their parish.
Submitted 2/11/21 by Gayle Valbuena
Greensburg DCCW
Greensburg, PA
February 11, 2021 The Greensburg DCCW former spiritual advisor, Mons. Larry J. Kulick, JCL, was ordained and installed as the 6th bishop of the Greensburg Diocese. Women around the diocese offered spiritual bouquets including 367 Rosaries, 473 Divine Mercy Chaplets, 10 Eucharistic Holy Hours, 100 Novenas, 7 public Mass intentions, 68 private Mass intentions, 10 ongoing monthly Marian prayers, and 1 candle. St. Barbara's Ladies Guild prayed their Rosaries via ZOOM as well as individually.
Submitted 2/19/2021 by Raissa Federline
Our Lady of Lourdes CCW
Venice, FL
The Council of Catholic Women at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Venice CCW Service Projects reached new heights in 2020 thanks to our members’ generosity.
OLOL CCW members are dedicated to serving our Catholic Church, the clergy, the ministries, the parish, the community and one another. All CCW service activities and projects are rooted in Respect Life. When we perform our service projects, we are reaffirming our respect for human life at all stages and under all circumstances.
Our CCW has found unique ways to communicate with our membership, carry on existing Service programs and institute new projects:
- Shoebox gifts for Nursing Home Residents
- Diapers and Baby Clothes Drive
- USO Donations for the Military and their families
- Rosary Makers program outreach to rural parish, migrant families and Catholic Charities
- Created a Rosary program for Widows
- Sewing Ministry created hundreds of pieces of baby and children’s clothing and blankets
Submitted 3/2/21 by Donna McGinnis
Prince of Peace CCW
Ormond Beach, FL
Submitted 12/11/20 by Lauren Morris
Joliet DCCW
Joliet, IL
Click here to read a beautiful Christmas message of hope from the Spirituality Commission of the Joliet DCCW.
Submitted 12/17/2020
Lincoln DCCW
Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women conducted their 11th Annual October Pro-Life Diaper drive collecting 143,268 diapers. The diapers are shared with the Lincoln Diocesan Pregnancy Centers, Catholic Social Services and Birthright. A total of 1,000,992 diapers have been collected in 11 years. What a blessing to the help the women in the Lincoln Diocese.
Submitted1/4/2020 by Kay Wessel
Greensburg DCCW
Greensburg, PA
The Greensburg DCCW makes annual donations to the various food banks in our diocese. One of the food banks, the Westmoreland County Foodbank, printed shirts with all of the organizations who have sponsored or donated this year. Denise Pencola from the DCCW is holding up the shirt with the Greensburg DCCW name printed on it.
Submitted 12/1/2020 by Raissa Federline
Knoxville DCCW
Knoxville, TN
The Knoxville DCCW Service Commission invites you to utilize their Service Project Suggestions for Advent 2020 resource. This PDF includes a link to a blank Advent Calendar and a list of suggested acts of service. Note an act of service daily on your calendar using the guide. Lighting the world through our service will be a blessing to all. Invite your children and grandchildren to participate also. Please distribute the suggestions and blank calendars far and wide.
Submitted 12/1/2020
Greensburg DCCW
Greensburg, PA
Members of the Pro-Life Committee of the Greensburg Diocesan Council of the National Council of Catholic Women and supporters joined in person and via ZOOM on Saturday, October 3, to share the Pro-Life Joyful Mysteries from Priests for Life before hearing Judy Townsend, Parent Care Coordinator and Administrative Assistant for Be Not Afraid from Charlotte, North Carolina. Be Not Afraid journeys with families who have received prenatal diagnosis. These families are supported throughout their pregnancies, deliveries, and after. Mrs. Townsend shared statistics about the pressure women get to abort and the lack of education for medical personnel. She also shared that when given the opportunity to carry their child to term, all the mothers and families were blessed by their choice to have more time with their child. Everyone left with open eyes and hearts for these families. More information can be found at
Submitted 12/2/2020 by Raissa Federline
Atlanta ACCW
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Councill of Catholic Women (AACCW) held a Virtual Fall Retreat on September 19, 2020. The retreat was held via ZOOM. The theme was Joining Our Hearts and Hands in Prayer.
We had two great speakers, Father Timothy Gadzialia and Deacon Alfred Mitchell. The importance of Prayer was highlighted in the presentations – what is Prayer, Why we should pray, Kinds of Prayers were some of the topics. We asked the ladies to name something they wanted to pray for and we offered them up in Prayer. A moment of silence was observed for the deceased members of AACCW especially Ms. JoAnn Green, the AACCW Sacristan who recently passed away. We also heard from the newly elected Atlanta Province Director, Mrs. Deanna Holmer.
Submitted 10/2/20 by Cynthia Simien
Belleville DCCW
Belleville, IL
The Belleville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (BDCCW) held its 2020 convention, “Connecting with Christ in a Virtual World” online October 13 and 14, 2020.
Featured speaker Jennifer Sagel discussed how prayer can counteract the separation many feel during the pandemic. We also had a virtual tour of the diocese and an explanation of the history and role of the BDCCW.
Bishop Michael McGovern's Mass marked the convention's climax on Wednesday.
Submitted 10/22/20 by Gina Einig
St. Anne CCW
Richmond Hill, GA
St. Anne CCW Richmond Hill, Ga. in the Diocese of Savannah got back to our social distant meetings in September with a chocolate exchange. Father Allan McDonald was happy to see that we came together with our masks and safe distance. During the pandemic shutdown, we continued with Zoom meetings praying the rosary with all affiliates in the Savannah Deanery and just keeping tabs on each other to make sure everyone is ok. To continue involving as many of our CCW members, St. Anne had a pre-Thanksgiving bake sale. The majority of baked goods could be frozen to be available for Thanksgiving dinners. The congregation gave generously that the CCW was able to give a donation and payment of our NCCW dues. We also were able to give $500 to our Capital Campaign to reduce our debt for our new sanctuary.
Submitted 11/20/2020 by Ginny Lovell
Greensburg DCCW
Greensburg, PA
St. Barbara Ladies Guild
Harrison City, PA
St. Barbara's Ladies Guild has been getting creative during these interesting times to stay connected! They have been meeting for outdoor rosaries and bible studies so that everyone can come together in a safe way.
Submitted 8/20/20 by Raissa Federline
Washington ACCW
Washington, D.C.
Christ the King CCW
Tampa, FL
Venice DCCW
Venice, FL
The Venice DCCW took information from Service Commission Chair Mary Anne Cummins' article on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and the 5th Anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, and adapted it to a timeline that fit our current situation.
They developed a short PowerPoint Presentation introducing the project to our Affiliate Presidents and emailed it along with a copy of the 30-day reflections to share with members. They asked that they share this with members so we could all pray together before each of us made a personal commitment to take an action to save our planet.
They have been sending daily reflections by email to their presidents so they may share with their members. At the end of the project, they will ask for a response from members on actions taken as a result of this 30-day journey. They hope to compile a list of actions taken to share with everyone. The goal is to keep our members united in prayer and action during these days of confinement and contribute our efforts to saving the environment.
Submitted 4/21/20 by Becky Harper
Dubuque ACCW
Dubuque, IA
Members of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) have been helping protect clergy and the people they serve from COVID-19 by making masks for every priest and seminarian.
Click here for the full article.
Submitted 4/28/20
Sacred Heart CCW
Brewster, MN
Banner of HOPE for the Community
The Sacred Heart Church Secretary, Loretta Smith had the idea to put a banner on the front of our Parish here in Brewster Minnesota. So, after a few emails and ideas being tossed around. The words “TRUST GOD” were chosen. This is a message of hope for our Sacred Heart Parish family and as well as for our whole community of friends during this time of COVID-19 with all churches closed in our Diocese. We must continue to pray and trust God!
Maker of the banner: Bev McCarvel-Past NCCW Leadership Chair
Submitted 4/2/20 by Bev McCarvel
Dubuque ACCW
Dubuque, IA
Dubuque ACCW members are making face masks for all the priests both active and retired in the Dubuque Archdiocese including the Archbishop for a total of 170 priests. Pictured is Father Jerry Blake, priest of the Holy Family Cluster at Clarion, Iowa, and a member of the local Council of Catholic Women (Altar Society) Monica Staudt. Monica, a former nurse, has made over 200 masks for her local hospital as well as her priest. We thank our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Dan Knipper, for the inspiration to carry out this effort.
Submitted 4/7/20 by Florine Swanson
St Boniface CCW
Springfield, GA
At its meeting on March 11, St Boniface CCW (Springfield, GA) celebrated NCCW's 100th birthday. Melissa Almeida (CCW's newest member) made the beautifully decorated and delicious birthday cake that everyone enjoyed. Our pastor, Fr. Martino Nguyen, appears to be blessing the cake!
Submitted by Yvette Carr (NCCW Province Director of Atlanta and member of St. Boniface CCW)
Omaha Province
Lincoln, NE
During the March 4, 2020, Catholics at the Capitol Day held in Lincoln, NE, Catholic ladies gathered for a picture with a 100th NCCW anniversary cake furnished by the arch/diocesan councils of the Omaha Province.
Submitted 3/5/20 by Susan Johnson
Kalamazoo DCCW
Kalamazoo, MI
The Kalamazoo Diocesan Council of Catholic Women recently celebrated the National Council of Catholic Women's 100th birthday. NCCW was organized by the US Bishops in 1920 to unite all Catholic Women and organizations. The birthday party was celebrated at a Lenten Day of Spiritual Renewal, THE REAL PRESENCE, for the women of the Kalamazoo, Michigan Diocese.
Submitted 3/12/20 by Carolyn Morrison
Washington DC ACCW
Washington, DC
As we face this period of social distancing and other restrictions, including the cancellation of public Mass in the Archdiocese of Washington (ADW), the Council of Catholic Women-ADW has extended its nightly Rosary call to include Sundays and we have established a coronavirus prayer resource page on the CCW-ADW website. CCW-ADW also has offered its help to the Archdiocese in whatever way it can during this time. In addition, the Archdiocese has agreed to include information on CCW-ADW's nightly Rosary call in its Parish Briefings, inviting all to join in our nightly prayer call. We hope that these calls will help keep us all united in prayer. Here is the link to the web page:
Submitted by Carol Monaco 3/18/20
St. John the Evangelist CCW
Viera, FL
Fears of Traumatized Children Soothed by Stuffed Animals Provided by CCW
When Amanda Hollcroft, a police officer, asked her mom, CCW Member Kathy O’Conor, for help she did not know what to expect. Amanda told her mom that for a long time, she and the police officers of the City of Palm Bay, FL had been purchasing stuffed animals to use in domestic abuse and other situations where young children were traumatized by violence or accidents. These soft, cuddly and soothing stuffed animals, purchased by the officers, were kept in their car trunks for these types of situations. When the children were removed from the scene and given a stuffed animal, it wasn’t long until tears dried, and the children were naming their new cuddly animals and the trauma began to fade for them.
The pictures show the result of how the membership of St. John the Evangelist CCW, Viera, FL ladies came to the rescue of traumatized children to sooth their fears.
Submitted 1/28/2020 by Linda Trucano – St. John the Evangelist
St. Thomas Aquinas CCW
St. Cloud, FL
St. Thomas Aquinas CCW decided to re-purpose thousands of bags to crochet sleeping mats for the homeless. 500-700 bags are needed to make the 'plarn' used to crochet the mat. So far, the women have completed 5 mats, which will be delivered to homeless camps in Osceola County by Pescadores De Hombres (Fishers of Men), a ministry at Holy Redeemer Church in Kissimmee, FL.
Submitted 2/19/2020 by Mary Anne O'Shea
Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Lincoln, NE
The Lincoln Diocesan Council of Catholic Women collected, at the February Winter Symposium, items to assist the homeless. The donation request response was overwhelming with boxes and boxes of personal care items as well as many sleeping bags.
Submitted 2/25/2020 by Kay Wessel
Detroit ACCW
Livonia, MI
Council of Catholic Women / Archdiocese of Detroit’s 1st Golden Rose Award Ceremony took place on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at the Felician Sisters Motherhouse Chapel in Livonia, Michigan. The morning began with Mass, followed by a luncheon. Twenty-four high school students, from the metro Detroit area, were awarded the Golden Rose Award. They were recognized for showing Spirituality, strong Leadership and ongoing Service in their parish and school.
Submitted 1/6/2020 by Zora Dziurman
St Vincent CCW
Margate, FL
St. Vincent CCW celebrated their 10th Anniversary the weekend of Oct 26th & 27th, 2019. They invited all of the Communities (Spanish, Brazilian & English) to partake in the celebration. They displayed pictures from their events and fundraisers and the certificates they received over the past 10 years so the parish could see what the CCW is all about. It was a big success!
Submitted 1/6/20 by Flo McGrath
Vicariate I
Chicago, IL
Vicariate I of the Archdiocese of Chicago recently held a Golden Rose Breakfast event featuring 30 high school recipients, Bishop Alberto Rojas and the cadets of Highschool District #214 were present for the event held on December 7, 2019.
Submitted 1/23/2020 by Evelyn Getty