The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.

Founded in 1920 by the U.S. Catholic bishops to provide all Catholic women a common voice and an instrument of unified action

Legacy Giving

Together, we are partners in living our mission statement: acting through our members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.  The opportunity to build on our rich history rests with each and every member.  Our ability to reach new frontiers, to engage more Catholic women, and to better our society depends on a sound financial future.





Mary's Garden

As we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Mary’s Garden, we invite you to consider giving a donation to assist with the rebuilding of this significant NCCW project. Many of us have enjoyed the presence of the garden during visits to the shrine while attending the Board of Directors meetings, during the March for Life and many other opportunities we have had to visit the shrine.

The campaign will begin on September 8th, 2024 (the Birth of Mary) and will conclude on May 31st (Feast of the Visitation). During this time, you will be able to send in your donation, call in your donation or donate through the NCCW website. We need to raise $80,000.00 to continue to support this significant NCCW project that has been with us for 25 years.

Thank you for your attention concerning this Campaign.

Beth Mahoney – NCCW President

Donate Now By Clicking Here

If you would like to donate a different amount from the choices given, Please call the office at 703-224-0990

NCCW Current Events and Happenings

Vocation Purse Club

The National Council of Catholic Women is dedicated to increasing the number of women entering religious communities by offering financial assistance to religious institutes, providing resources to alleviate educational debt, and seeking contributors to invest in the vital religious life of the Church. The National Council of Catholic Women is dedicated to increasing the number of women entering religious communities by offering financial assistance to religious institutes, providing resources to alleviate educational debt, and seeking contributors to invest in the vital religious life of the Church.


Monthly Rosary Conference Call

Conference Call Number
(202) 926-1107
Access Code: 703993


 The Rosary Call occurs on the 13th of each month.

4:30 PM (PT), 5:30 PM (MT), 6:30 PM (CT), 7:30 PM (ET), and 8 :30 PM (USVI)


Rosary Reflections click here













NCCW 2025 Election




Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is very proud to present the Ballot for the 2025 election cycle. Voting will take place April 1-May 1, with election results being announced June 1. Installation of Officers will occur at the NCCW Convention in Orlando, Florida, this August.

Voting is easy. On April 1, an email will be sent to all Individual Members and current Affiliate Presidents (diocese, deanery, vicariate, parish) who have provided an email address. A link in the email will take you directly to the ballot. Members who do not have email should call the office to cast their vote.

Candidates’ statements, complete resumes, and photos are found by accessing the links below. Please take the time to review each candidate’s credentials; they are impressive.

Per the Bylaws, (Article Vlll, Section 1)-voting eligibility requires an Individual Member to be current in her dues, and Affiliate Presidents (receiving two (2) votes) must be listed on the record 60 days prior to the electronic voting.

NCCW Prayer Requests

Have your prayer request displayed on the NCCW website for other members to pray for!

Submit your prayer request to nccw01@nccw.org (request must be no longer than 10 words to be included on the site).
Your prayer request will remain online for 30 days.